The following are excellent resources for those who wish to explore the area of personal discipleship and mentoring more deeply:

  • The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman (A classic - actually more about discipleship than evangelism. Focuses on Jesus’ approach to discipleship.)
  • Building a Discipling Culture, by Mike Breen (Breen leads a ministry called 3DM that focuses on discipleship and missional community)
  • Transforming Discipleship, by Greg Ogden
  • Discipleship Essentials, by Greg Ogden. (Discipleship workbook using principles of Transforming Discipleship)
  • Organic Disciplemaking, by Dennis McCallum and Jessica Lowery (Pastor of a church in Ohio called Xenos, which has one of the strongest discipleship DNAs in the country)
  • Real-life Discipleship, by Jim Putnam (An approach that melds small groups and discipleship)
  • - website and network of leaders that focuses on discipleship and missional community
  • - website for 3DM organization led by Mike Breen mentioned above